Above all, the self-employed and entrepreneurs can hardly avoid them: the office and accounting software. Every potential user asks himself which program is best for him. The market offers countless software for the home or company laptop or PC - all price ranges are represented. How can the right or best software for office work be found? Newbies in particular are often in business and wonder which software to buy.
The World Wide Web offers a number of comparison portals and lists on its Internet pages, where testers have set themselves exactly this task - to find out which software is the best on the market. To do this, the common functions of the software are first compared, or the type of annual financial statements that is relevant for the respective type of company. The tests also include whether the software is permanently installed on the laptop or used in a cloud. Depending on the user and preferences, this represents both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the provider, it can happen that only a certain number of users are allowed to install the cloud or the software on the desktop; this aspect is also included in the comparison into it. It is also clarified
So if you want to buy accounting software or office software, you shouldn't just blindly head for the next business, but rather take a closer look at a few programs in advance. Since, in the best case, the test winner should be in the shopping cart, a comparison must be made beforehand in order to find it. Corresponding comparison portals can be found on the Internet for this purpose, and corresponding search queries can be entered into the search mask of the common search engines, which usually lead immediately to test and comparison pages. Often several programs are presented and compared with one another on one page, and a ranking or test winner is then chosen based on the points mentioned above.
To actually be on the safe side, several test pages should be compared with each other in order to actually find the real test winner. Various computer magazines also sometimes offer a ranking; if you are lucky, you will even find a CD with test versions of various programs. But some of the comparison pages themselves also offer a test version so that you can get an initial overview. This means: if you cleverly open several test pages and look at the test winners, you will most likely find a suitable and good program.
If you want to buy new software for your company, you often look at the price as well as the functions. The software can - depending on the manufacturer - start at 20 euros and go into the hundred euros range, depending on the scope of the program. However, if you only look for the cheapest program here, you will not have much fun. Instead, the price and performance must be right, i.e. the program must have the most important functions for the respective user on board. Once a suitable program has been found that meets and covers personal requirements, various comparison portals or price portals can be used to search for a low price. For example, you can get a few percent off with discount campaigns such as sales, Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
It should always be carefully considered whether the software is a full program or a slimmed-down version. This can also be cheaper in price, as can older versions of the software. It should be taken into account there that important laws may also change and the software is no longer entirely up-to-date. However, if you look around smartly and search a bit, you can certainly hope for discounts on the selected software.
If you are looking to buy accounting software, you should first know in advance which functions are included or must be included in order to be able to bill your company or small business accordingly. This includes bookkeeping, a cash book, the creation of invoices or offers, functions relating to dunning or order processing. In addition, the software must be clear enough for the user, and operation should also be more intuitive.
The type of annual financial statements also plays a major role in the software. Either simply the income statement or a balance sheet with profit and loss account is offered. Depending on their taste, the user should also differentiate between simply installing the software on their home computer or using a cloud. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages.
Since some questions might arise at the beginning of the program or in the initial phase, customer service can be of fundamental importance. Whether support chat or hotline - the providers today offer different options for customer contact. Accounting software should always keep costs and execution in balance. It is always advantageous to try a test version in advance, but not all of the functions are available here, or then only for a short period of time.
Gerade wer neu auf diesem Gebiet ist, kommt um einen Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Software nicht drumherum. Viel zu groß ist die Auswahl auf diesem Gebiet und wer vorschnell zur vermeintlich günstigen Software greift, erlebt unter Umständen eine böse Überraschung, wenn elementare Funktionen fehlen, die für sein Unternehmen bzw. die Unternehmensform wichtig sind. Daher sollte immer im Vorfeld klar sein, welche Funktionen zwingend in der Software vorhanden sein müssen, um sauber und vor allem gesetzeskonform arbeiten zu können. Selbstverständlich kommt es bei einem Vergleich mitunter auf den Preis an, jedoch sollte ein niedriger Preis bei dieser wichtigen Software niemals die bloße Hauptmotivation darstellen.
A comparison also offers the chance and opportunity to deal particularly with the topic of software. Anyone who has not done this to date, for example because the company was not founded long ago, will start thinking about the right software when it comes to accounting at the latest. Many programs can also - if the type of company allows it, save the work of the tax reporter and thus save some money. However, it should be clarified beforehand to what extent this works in practice.